Celebrate Father's Day by giving the man in your life a special and memorable gift - a customized bag of our delicious treats featuring a picture of the man...
Two of everyone's favorite things have just been transformed into our yummy treats! These bacon and cheese treats will make your pups drool at the smell of them! Each treat...
Expertly crafted in small batches using only fresh-roasted peanuts, pure bananas, and ground golden flax seeds, Banana Flax Wag Butter offers a perfect balance of nutrition for dogs. This...
Is there anything better than a treat that is delicious and easy to make? We don’t think so. That’s why we made Cuppy Cake. Cuppy Cake is the perfect microwave...
Are you looking for the perfect Dog Birthday Kit? The makers of Puppy Cake created an adorable Dog Birthday Kit that comes with one cake mix, one icing packet, one...