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Walk by Faith Doggie Bakery LLC was whole heartedly though out with lots of tossing around ideas, asking people we knew and didn't know, weighting out the pros and cons, lots of baking and tasting, and praying for God's will and guidance. To make a difference and help other dogs was in the forefront of our minds; never thinking that WBFDB would be our golden money tree. Making treats that we're simple, healthy that dogs loved and wanted more, made people happy and showed loving respect we have for every family and their pets. Being honest and educating people about the needs of their pet's health and well being. Though we provide healthy treats; we have found that this business has brought us way more than that.
We strive to run our business with integrity and dedication to people. Being an example of what our faithful friends have taught us. We have been given the gift to really get to know people; amazing people that (I know this sound cheesy) have changed us for the better. Not until I really opened my eyes did I notice the many stories people were sharing, saying that we had touched their lives for the better in some way shape or form.
Our biggest goal is that we can be a striving company with out any gouging prices, and that we can apply the many amazing traits of our pets to our small business, such as their amazing loyalty. With each bag we sell, we are growing towards our goal of making a change in the lives of pets and their owners. We love our customers. We love their pets.